Sunday, February 22, 2009

A little about me before I really start blogging

I have been a granite memorial artist for over 15 years. Working on large and small family monuments and memorials, I hand etched portraits and scenes of their choosing. Everything from dump trucks to angels. Although extremely rewarding, I found the need to venture out of my comfort zone in hopes of finding color and excitement. I also decided to get a laser to help with granite etching. I never anticipated the learning curve on that! Almost three years later, I find my self emerged in more and more computer related endeavors than could ever have been imagined. The torture of learning to first turn on a computer, as the deliverymen were unloading the beast from their truck in my drive, to the complications and the Everest I needed to conquer. I will always be learning something new with new technology, and hopefully be creating new designs for years to come. I now enjoy making this jewelry the most, and I hope it will be the bulk of my work. I continue to specialize in portraits and work with granite, glass, acrylic, and more. My website with laser, portraits, laser jewelry shows a few ideas, or to find my jewelry on Etsy Laser Jewelry.



  1. Are your designs on plexiglass? You are really, super talented! Thank you for following me. keep me posted on where I can see more of your art...x

  2. yay! so nice to see you here! and you're off to a great start! can't wait to read more ;0)

